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Master CTA’s (Call to Actions) with Empathy Marketing

How can you master CTA’s (Call to Actions) with empathy marketing? What are CTAs you ask?

It’s the acronym for call-to-action, like:

Donate Now

Learn More

Buy Now

Register Now

… and so on!

CTA is giving the audience direction and an actionable to take

When we market to our audience we are looking to add value and we are asking them to engage with us with curiosity. With my approach to empathy marketing I empathize with my audience and where they are. Here are some things to think about when you are generating your content and your CTAs when you write a newsletter, blog post, or a social media post.

When using empathy marketing, ask these questions:

  • What does the consumer feel?
  • What is the consumer facing right now?
  • How can we connect as a business?

Our content can shape the relationship

Our content can shape the relationship we have with our consumers. We use tone and personality and the consumer then responds to it. It’s important to:

  • stay relavant, stay informed (webinars, workshops, networking events, speak to your audience)
  • humanize your business
  • ask questions (use surveys – this will eliminate assumptions)
  • answer questions (use real Q&A here to share with the community)
  • share how you can help meet a need – *** Keep your content digestable info, bullet points will help led the reader, if they are curious about more they can contact you (DM or E-mail)
  • use clean graphics and nice photography to help compliment your message – this anchors those topics into your website and your social media feed
  • try an A/B testing to see what’s the most effective approach – look at the data and compare and try it again, see if it still works

Consider These Shifted Verbal Cues to Master CTA’s (Call to Actions) with Empathy Marketing:

Let’s Try Something New

Say YES!

Let’s Get Curious

Join the Conversation

Share Your Story

Are you interested to learn more?

How Empathy can Bridge Connection

Listen to my interview with Kaeyy Noella on her The Love Talk Wall podcast. I introduce her to “empathy marketing” and how I show up with Transcend Ideas. I introduce (in Part 2) how “empathy” makes up the key ingredient of People Spread Love.

How Empathy can Bridge Connection

Part 1: Empathy marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses looking to build stronger relationships with their customers and differentiate themselves from competitors. By putting the needs and emotions of customers first, small businesses can create a more loyal customer base and drive long-term growth.

“Empathy” is a key component to how I show up in many places in my life. I recognize human connection is what we all strive for in this life. When we feel heard and understood we can profoundly connect.

The Clubhouse app helped me find my voice.” I jumped on the app with curiosity and met these strong women entrepreneurs. They encouraged me to step into Transcend Ideas. And I’m eternally grateful for their strength in their belief in me. And made me believe in myself.

Part 2: My audio cut off as I began introducing the brand. I continued the introduction of People Spread Love in Part 2. I introduce People Spread Love and my journey starting a movement in 2015. First, with becoming a 501c3 non-profit organization. The organization empowers community members to write notes of love to those facing adversity all over the country and world. This brings us back full circle to the power of empathy and how it can facilitate human connection.

Kaeyy asked me about self-love and I told her a story about how I recently fractured my knee skiing. I touched on how grateful I am, even more so after getting hurt.

Listen to Part 1 & 2 of the podcast interview and let’s connect!

👋How to Use Clubhouse app to Build Trust & Relationships

Have you heard of this thing called “Clubhouse?” I hadn’t until my friend Vanessa told me about it back in February 2021. She showed me the app while many of were in “lockdown” during the COVID-19 Pandemic. I am thankful she invited me to join this audio app world because it opened up so many doors for me for my personal growth and my confidence. The seed plantedin me a passion for entrepreneurship, making lasting connections, building relationships, learning new things, discovery, building connection, and much more. I know I am singing in “high hopes” for an audio app. It’s not the technology itself, it’s about the intentionality of the app that fascinates me. Learning how to use Clubhouse App to build business relationships is key to maintaining a competitive advantage today.

Just imagine, joining an audio space, every room you join you quite literally listen in on a conversation. You can listen in, chat in the chat box, raise your hand to join the conversation, use gifs or emojis to engage with the conversation if you are unable to open your mic and speak.

The Clubhouse app has several advantages for forging connections, including:

  1. Authentic Conversations: Clubhouse is designed for audio-based conversations. These can create a more authentic and personal experience than other forms of social media. Users can join conversations with like-minded people from around the world. This provides an opportunity to connect and build relationships with people they may not have otherwise met.
  2. Focus on Community: Clubhouse is built around the concept of community, with users able to create and join clubs based on shared interests. This can help users feel like they’re part of a larger group of people who share their interests, leading to a sense of belonging and connection.
  3. Opportunity for Thought Leadership: Clubhouse provides an opportunity for users to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry or niche. By participating in conversations and sharing their expertise, users can build their personal brand and attract new followers and connections.
  4. Accessibility: Unlike other social media platforms that rely on text or video content, Clubhouse is an audio-based app that can be used while on-the-go or while doing other tasks. This makes it easy to join conversations and connect with others, even when you’re busy.
  5. Serendipitous Connections: Clubhouse’s “hallway” feature allows users to join conversations they may not have otherwise known about, providing an opportunity for serendipitous connections and conversations.

Overall, the Clubhouse app can be a powerful tool for forging connections, whether for personal or professional purposes. By joining conversations and clubs based on shared interests, users can build relationships with like-minded people from around the world, establish themselves as thought leaders, and create a sense of community and belonging.

Clubhouse Famous

Clubhouse celebrates individuals and groups of influencers on the app by honoring them with a black and white Clubhouse icon for the app. My friend, Zee Zee Williams, pictured in the middle, was featured with two other incredible women. It made me so happy to see her featured, she’s one of the many people I’ve met on this app that celebrates women (which I love).

How to use Clubhouse app to build relationships
Clubhouse vs Twitter Places

Clubhouse vs. Twitter Spaces

I haven’t been able to replicate the same Clubhouse vibe in Twitter Spaces, there just seems to be a difference in nature. Still, I am still a believer that community is where you make it. It takes time to build relationships and trust even online. Although the hands have changed to Elon Musk, Twitter can be a tool that can help create change. Change is something that so many communities desperately need.

Audio apps have become more popular these days in order to engage in conversations about anything under the sun. Conversations exist for knitting, networking, singing, comedy, the latest news, support groups, mental health, community building, meditation, etc.

Here are some key differences between the two:

  1. Availability: Clubhouse is currently only available on iOS devices. Alternatively, Twitter Spaces is available on both iOS and Android devices. This means that Twitter Spaces has a wider potential user base.
  2. Size of User Base: Clubhouse currently has a smaller user base than Twitter, but it is growing rapidly. Twitter has a massive user base, with over 330 million monthly active users. This could potentially give Spaces an advantage in terms of exposure.
  3. Discoverability: Clubhouse’s “hallway” feature allows users to easily discover new conversations and join rooms. Twitter Spaces currently relies on users sharing links to join conversations. This could make it harder for new users to discover and join Spaces conversations.
  4. Moderation Tools: Twitter Spaces has more robust moderation tools, allowing hosts to mute, block, or remove users as needed. Clubhouse is still developing its moderation tools, which could lead to potential issues with harassment or abuse.
  5. Integration with Other Platforms: Twitter Spaces is integrated with the larger Twitter platform. Spaces allows users to easily share and promote conversations. Clubhouse currently has limited integration with other platforms, although this could change as the platform evolves.

Overall, both Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces have their strengths and weaknesses. Clubhouse’s focus on community and discoverability, paired with Twitter Spaces’ wider availability and robust moderation tools. This could make both platforms useful for different purposes and audiences.

Investing in Intentionally

With anything worth spending your time in, it is wise to be intentional with the amount of time you dedicate to activities. I find it worthwhile to stop and ask yourself, “What am I getting out of this?” If the answer is: “connection” and that’s what you are striving for, Hallelujah! If the answer is the opposite, like: “it’s a waste of time.” Even realizing, “I’m not sure I understand how to forge connection here.” It’s okay to stop if you’ve already gave it some time and energy to engage on stages. Put it down. I personally take breaks in spacing that take up more time than I can dedicate. It is worth coming back to places I know where a community resides and get back into it if it is serving a purpose in my life.

How to Use Clubhouse app to build relationships and trust
How to use Clubhouse app to build relationships and trust

Meet Mimi Langley

Mimi lives in North Carolina and rocks Clubhouse rooms! I wanted to add her amazing resources on her website to guide you in Moderating in Clubhouse with her variety of Ebooks and Workbooks. She’s so thoughful, she’s a sweetheart, so gracious, she’s fun and silly and we love her!

Do you have a Purpose-Driven Brand?

I love this question because every business you see has a purpose that drives it forward. If that “WHY” isn’t asked regularly, the why may get lost in the hustle. Ask yourself:

“Do you have a Purpose-Driven Brand?”

If the answer doesn’t come right away, that’s okay. But keep in mind that when you can answer it immediately, you have a direct purpose in how you show up for your community. If you can’t answer that fundamental question, it may be best to take a beat and dig deeper.

You ought to audit your own business, so you don’t mission creep or grind without that purposeful “why” at the core of your offering. When we begin taking on aspects of our business that don’t align with our purpose we lose sight of that “why.” Maybe your why will shift and mature, and that’s also okay.

Here are some branching off purpose-driven questions to consider thinking about:

  • Who do you serve?
  • Why do you serve them?
  • What drives you to serve them?
  • What motivates you to continue serving them and others like them?
  • Are you asking your audience what they want and need so you can improve your work?
  • Do you feel fulfilled in helping your audience achieve in their business?
  • If not, why? And how can you shift that attitude?
  • Are you excited about the work you do and the serve you provide others?
  • Are you continually learning about your industry? Are you keeping that door open? Or have you closed that door to continual personal/professional growth?

Transcend Ideas – People Centered

Our brand, Transcend Ideas, in my mind, is purpose-driven because we serve small businesses and non-profits to amplify their meaningful message through branding and marketing strategy. What amplifying means to me is to tell their story. People’s stories are interesting. I began this company because I care about people and the communities they serve. I will continue to ask myself that significant “WHY” so I don’t lose sight as we learn and grow as a company.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

Albert Schweitzer

Patagonia – Planet Earth Centered

Patagonia is a company that I had respected for a long time, even before their CEO, Yvon Chouinard recently announced a shift with Patagonia and their efforts to combat the climate crisis in a huge way. More explanation here. Patagonia has stood for sustainability since the company’s inception 50 years ago. They hooked me in when I realized they’d repair your gear if you mail them in, and if they can’t improve them, they will replace it with brand-new Patagonia gear all together.

Earth is now our only shareholder.

If we have any hope of a thriving planet—much less a business—it is going to take all of us doing what we can with the resources we have. This is what we can do.

-Yvon Chouinard

Clubhouse Conversation:

Come join the conversation on Clubhouse, if you don’t have the App downloaded you can still listen to the conversation in your browser. You can listen back to this conversation if you missed it all together. I love to engage in conversation with people all over the country and the world as that’s when the richest conversations happen.

“Do you have a Purpose-Driven Brand?”

Monday, November 14th

at 11 am MST / 9 am EST

Traditional Marketing Ideas (Clubhouse/Spaces)

I was in a Clubhouse room called: “Old School Marketing” and it blew me away how important going back to basics in your marketing truly is. Check out the next set of audio rooms I will be hosting on this very topic in the coming weeks. In the meantime here are some ideas to stew on..

Traditional Marketing Ideas:

In no particular order of course, but consider these ideas to implement:

  • Word-of-mouth
  • Schedule a cup of coffee or lunch with a work colleague, even your competition to discuss business
  • Mailers
  • Handouts (flyers, rack cards, business cards)
    • Pin up in bulletin boards! – Make a list of these locales that accept those physical marketing tools
  • Stickers (clever approach – catchphrase, coolness)
  • Showing support for a charity/nonprofit organization
    • A certain % of sales goes to charity in a certain time frame
    • Sponsor an event or a sport in your town/city
  • Join the Chamber of Commerce – make connections, take advantage of ALL they offer you!
  • Contests for all ages (art, name mascot, etc.)
  • Handwritten thank you notes
  • Thank you gifts for your bigger clients
  • Exclusive sales to your most loyal customers
  • Holiday cards
  • Networking
  • In-person events – Hold in-person workshops (educate, inform, engage – build trust)
  • Community calendars for events you are hosting
  • Print ads in local newspapers
  • In-store signs (sandwich boards)
  • Takeaways: Bumper stickers, stickers, branded water bottles
  • Name tags – custom name tags, wear your logo and name (perhaps pronouns too) to remind people what you are about!
  • Movie theatre ads – Slides or videos of local businesses
  • Post-it notes – custom couple with your business card (good leave behinds)

“Create social proof through that localize medium!”

Heather Cox
traditional marketing ideas

“Tried and True” Marketing Ideas

Going back to the “tried and true” methods of marketing can be just what you needed to revitalize your connection with your audience. I am all for digital marketing, it’s predominately what I do but there is something to be said for that personal touch to make a connection. When we build relationships we are developing trust and communicating and we can’t always lean into digital technology to do that.

These marketing ideas are meant to be approached “in tandem” with digital marketing! Don’t discount the basics and ask yourself what you can you use in Q4 and what could you utilize in your marketing strategy for 2023.

Join the Traditional Marketing Ideas Conversation

Join Heather for a Clubhouse Room AND Twitter Spaces on “Old School Marketing Ideas.” All conversations will be recorded so you can listen in at a later time to learn a bit here and there. We will not be focusing on digitally marketing.

“Old Skool Marketing for Biz and Nonprofits”
Wed, Oct 19th at 11:15 am MDT

Twitter Spaces
“Old Skool Marketing”
Wed, Nov 2 at 11:30 am MDT

Websites for your Business to Meet Your Unique Needs (Clubhouse)

Websites for your Business to Meet Your Unique Needs

I am a 90’s kid, so you can imagine how much technology has changed since the dial-up age. I have witnessed so much technology over the years, and one thing that has evolved is websites! We still need them, but the function has changed, the language has changed, how we utilize them has changed, and frankly behaviors have changed.

We hope with this conversation it will help you consider how to take an informed approach to websites for your business and keeping your consumers in mind. Much of what frightens business owners is that they don’t know where to start and they want to make the right choice. We hope to reassure you CAN make choices on your own and decide what’s best for YOU and your business. You don’t have it have it all figured out up front but you can phase in new versions of the site as your business grows. Think of it as Apple software updates coming, that number incrementally grows with each upgrade. Begin with 1.0 and move forward from there. We hope you will absorb some helpful tips and resources that you’ll takeaway from this conversation.

Heather DeVine and Heather Cox have 32 years combined of website experience! Eekkk..

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Websites for your business

Ask yourself: what do I want my website to do for me?

  • informative (list services, products, blog)
  • e-commerce (sales – product or services)
  • booking appointments (calendar dependent)
  • donations (take ’em)
  • build email marketing audience (sign-up forms)
  • combo of needs

Shop for websites that may work for you/your business

  • WordPress
  • Squarespace
  • Shopify
  • Wix

Hey, Non-profits, did you know..

With your non-profit status you can get most platform access for FREE or heavily discounted!

  • Google Workspace (FREE)
  • Canva (FREE)
  • Jotform (50% off)
  • Grammarly (FREE)

Other things to consider in tandem with the website:

  • SEO (Search engine optimization) – Keep in mind that search engines need to find you so you can gain traction with your #1 asset online, your website!
  • Google listing (listing for your business)
  • Social media (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok)
  • Lead generating forms
  • Email Marketing (e-newletters are a huge way to communicate with our audience)
  • Google Analytics (metrics to track activity on your website)
  • Accessibility- Web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities (WAVE – audit for accessibility)
  • Mobile friendly (a MUST – that’s how most visitors are utilizing to find you)
Platforms I LOVE:
  • Google Workspace (Email, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Google Drive)
  • Canva (graphic needs)
  • Grammarly (great grammar tool that can catch errors in your writing)
  • Asana (task manager)
  • Unsplash, Adobe Stock (stock photos)
  • Jotform (3rd party form management)
  • Stripe (credit card processor)
  • Wave Apps (bookkeeping application)
“Websites for your business” conversation on the Clubhouse App

Some website takeaways:

  • Your website is living and breathing, not just a one and done!
  • Ease of use is everything! Clear CTA (call-to-action)
  • Shop by demoing sites to make sure the needs you have are met (help centers with reps to walk you through questions)
  • Word-of-mouth is powerful, ask your friends what they use
  • Consider hiring creative agency’s help or a freelancer, we can’t do everything at a business owner
  • One platform isn’t supposed to meet ALL your needs
  • Look at reviews of platforms out there, I use
  • Remember, your needs will shift and flex based on your business or organization


Heather DeVine w/ Transcend Ideas – Marketing and branding agency serving nonprofits and small businesses. (Jackson, WY)

Heather Cox w/ Heather Cox Codes – Website designer, SEO, and social media marketing. (Wilmington, DE) Watch her TEDx Talk (#RIPBossBabe)

Amplify Women: Akala Lemus with Positive Packages

This is a new series “Amplify Women,” an interview series to celebrate women and their unique story. This month we are highlighting Akala Lemus with Positive Packages and AK Apothakary.

We will be asking questions to get to know Akala and her WHY. When we begin anything in our lives us women have a story.

Akala Lemus

Akala Le’Ahi (uh-CALL-uh Lay-Awe-He) is her given birthname which means Pink Fire From Heaven.

Favorite Traits: Persistent, Self Driven, A Good Cook, and Creative

Positive Packages was created from her desire to transmute negativity into positivity one package at a time. She had to leave a relationship, a company, and a life she had created for herself in Austin, TX to be of service to her mother who had to have an emergency hip replacement in CO.

“..every time someone has supported, encouraged me, gifted me with anything, or just held space for me to be open and vulnerable, has helped me get to where I am today.”

– Akala Lemus

If you’d like to be a part of this series, contact Heather DeVine on Clubhouse and let’s begin.

Let’s Start a Business – Finance Your Business (Clubhouse)

👋 Clubhouse: Let’s Start a Business

This is the third of a series of Clubhouse rooms (monthly) that will take a deep dive into starting a business. Our moderators will introduce their why and share tips and guidance on how to start a business. If you miss the room, we will have Replays on so you can listen at your convenience.

Topic: Finance Your Business

A big question that comes along with a great business idea is: where do I get the money to get this off the ground? These questions can be very daunting.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. How much do I need to begin my business?
    • Start-up cost is dependent on the business model (insurance, equipment, office space, software)
      • Am I selling products or services?
    • How much do I have in my personal savings that I can invest in my own business?
  2. Where can I go find the funding for my business?
    • Look at your personal finances
    • Funding sources: Personal savings, Crowd Funding, Grants, Bank and Credit Unions, Angel Investors, Home Equity Loans
  3. What to keep in mind when you go to banks for funding sources?
    • Banks review the 5 C’s:
      1. Character (credit history)
      2. Capacity (debt to income ratio)
      3. Collateral (offers of assurance)
      4. Capital (your level of seriousness)
      5. Conditions (interest rate & principal)
  4. Are there benefits of a loan?
    1. Tax benefits
    2. Low interest rates
    3. Favorable repayment terms
  5. How do I increase my business credit score?
  6. Also, what billing system fits my financial needs?
  7. And when should I hire an accountant to make sense of my financials?


  1. “Get scrappy!” – You can get started by starting small and dreaming big.
    • ie. Restaurant: Maybe start in someone else’s kitchen so you can begin building up a hype/niche on your product.
  2. Trust in your intuition
  3. Look at your personal finances FIRST
  4. Ask your connections already established: friends, family, colleagues, community members, other business owners in the same industry.
  5. Corporate Grant Opportunities: Look to corporations and their giving season, they want to give your small business money! You don’t have to payback grant money.


Our Co-Moderators:

Heather DeVine w/Transcend Ideas – Marketing and branding agency serving nonprofits and small businesses. (Jackson, WY)
Trudie Ives w/Tru Logistics – As freight brokers, we facilitate the transport of vehicles and freight across the United States. (Palm Beach, FL)
Zee Zee Williams w/KW Inc. Insurance Marketing Group – Specializing in final expense, we train, mentor, and grow our agents to be successful in their business. We are dedicated to giving our clients the integrity and service they deserve. (Columbia, SC)
Laura Sexton w/Accelerate Your Legacy – Specializes in debt elimination. Laura is all about the money mindset, adjusting money habits and offers up tools you need to succeed with money.

Let’s Start a Business – Business Plan (Clubhouse)

👋 Clubhouse: Let’s Start a Business

This is the second of a series of Clubhouse rooms (monthly) that will take a deep dive into starting a business. Our moderators will introduce their why and share tips and guidance on how to start a business. If you miss the room, we will have Replays on so you can listen at your convenience.

Topic: Business Plan

You have a good business idea and now it’s time to put a plan behind it.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is a business plan?
  2. Why is a business plan needed?
  3. Where to find business plan templates?
  4. What’s included?
    • Summary of your business plan
    • Company Description
    • Market Analysis
      • Create your buyer personas (who is your audience?)
      • SWOT Analysis
    • Layout goals and metrics for success
    • Financials


Our Co-Moderators:

Heather DeVine w/Transcend Ideas – Marketing and branding agency serving nonprofits and small businesses. (Jackson, WY)
Trudie Ives w/Tru Logistics – As freight brokers, we facilitate the transport of vehicles and freight across the United States. (Palm Beach, FL)
Zee Zee Williams w/KW Inc. Insurance Marketing Group – Specializing in final expense, we train, mentor, and grow our agents to be successful in their business. We are dedicated to giving our clients the integrity and service they deserve. (Columbia, SC)

Let’s Start a Business – Business Idea (Clubhouse)

👋 Clubhouse: Let’s Start a Business

This is the first of a series of Clubhouse rooms (monthly) that will take a deep dive into starting a business. Our moderators will introduce their why and share tips and guidance on how to start a business. If you miss the room, we will have Replays on so you can listen at your convenience.

Topic: Business Idea

You’ll need a (great) idea and of course. You’ll also have to do your research.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is my idea orginal? If not, how many other companies in my community have businesses based on their idea? If there are a substantial amount, you will have to figure out ways to differentiate yourself/business from the others.
    • Mentor – Will help talk it out with you. Help guide you through that idea. Fly through that terbulance and “let it fly.”
      • A mentor with a style that works for you and aligns with your goals
  2. Is there a market for my idea? What’s the market outlook on this industry? Has there been growth? Is there projected growth? Know your data. (Resources: your counties website, state, federal level).


Our Co-Moderators:

Heather DeVine w/Transcend Ideas – Marketing and branding agency serving nonprofits and small businesses. (Jackson, WY)
Trudie Ives w/Tru Logistics – As freight brokers, we facilitate the transport of vehicles and freight across the United States. (Palm Beach, FL)
Zee Zee Williams w/KW Inc. Insurance Marketing Group – Specializing in final expense, we train, mentor, and grow our agents to be successful in their business. We are dedicated to giving our clients the integrity and service they deserve. (Columbia, SC)