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Meet Heather Devine, Principal

Meet Heather Devine, the principal and visionary behind Transcend Ideas. Heather brings over 15 years of expertise in digital media to all the clients she serves in the Jackson Hole community. She loves supporting small businesses and national and local non-profits in their goals of strategic messaging, website layouts, and marketing solutions. Heather helps propel these businesses forward with thoughtful design strategy and compelling storytelling. She shared a bit about herself in this Q and A.

Meet Heather

1. What prompted you to start Transcend Ideas and what are your hopes for the future with the company?

I started Transcend Ideas with the desire to help small businesses and nonprofits amplify their meaningful messages through marketing and branding services. I’ve worked with businesses and nonprofits now for 16 years and with every year that passes I feel pride and excitement to help them succeed.

2. What company is a dream client or what would be a dream marketing campaign to work on?

A dream client to me is one that trusts in us, willing to try new things, and is passionate and excited about their mission and vision.

3. What’s a bucket list item you’ve held off on completing for years and when do you hope to complete it?

A bucket list item of mine would be to speak on a TEDx stage. I have a real passion for connection. I think one day sharing my story will be deeply satisfying and hopefully help a young person on their path some day.

4. What small object in your house means the most to you and why?

A journal that my husband and I have together. We write in it to express our love and appreciation for one another. And another journal that at the end of each year, as a family we tape in memories we’ve collected throughout that year. We reflect on memories together and look back with love and gratitude.

5. What advice do you have for small businesses looking to amplify their messaging and brand?

Keep at it if your heart is in it.

Heather Devine - Meet the Team Quote

Heather and Sadie, the dog

6. What hobby or skill do you have that has influenced your career the most and how?

My greatest skill is working with people. I love listening and I also love helping.

7. Where do you go to pull inspiration for work and your personal life?

I gather information in the form of podcasts, conversations with people, movies, webinars or workshops, and books.

8. What’s your favorite life lesson you’ve ever learned and held on to?

My greatest life lesson is to “give yourself grace.” You won’t get it right all the time, in fact the misteps are when you learn the most about yourself and your journey forward. That applies to any path you walk, whether it be parenthood, marriage, friendships, business, everything.

9. What are you grateful for? What are you hopeful for?

I’m grateful for the team I have at work and at home. We are nothing without the people there to support you a long the way. Thank you to my husband, Mike and my son, Elliott and our dog, Sadie for loving me, my flaws and all. Thank you to Brennan and Rachael for making my life easier.

10. What are you proud of right now? Could be a personal accomplishment, big or small.

I’m proud of how far I have come to step into my power. I am 40 now, woo-hoo! With this new stage in my life I can honestly look back and show compassion and love to myself. I’m grateful for every day I get to wake up and live.

Want to meet with Heather and get insight on your small business or non-profit project? Reach out now to schedule a time to meet up and discuss over coffee.

Heather’s other great love is her nonprofit, People Spread Love. Give a listen to these two podcast interviews where she talk about why this community/heart-centered work is so important to her.

Nov 7, 2023
From Pain to Purpose: Heather DeVine’s Vision for People Spread Love
You Only Go Once Podcast