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Building Awareness with Marketing

building awareness with marketing

The most effective marketing campaign is one that builds awareness on issues. They can evoke a thought, a pause, a consideration, an emotion, an action, a changed behavior, and at times all of those things over time. Learn how you can start building awareness with marketing. There are many tactics to make an awareness campaigns stick, here are some great examples:

In summary that this blog post covers:

  1. Catch Phrase
  2. Evoke Emotion with Bold Imagery/Design
  3. Consistency
  4. Educate and Inform
  5. Influencers
  6. Normalize Issues

1. Catch Phrase

A successful catch phrase will stick with the audience. Something short and sweet and easier to remember is key.

  • “Only you can prevent forest fires” from Smokey the Bear to build the awareness around what you can do to prevent forest fires.

What makes a catch phrase work:

  • Short and easy to remember/recall
  • Direct
  • Actionable (clear call-to-action)
“Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires” – Smokie the Bear

2. Evoke Emotion with Bold Imagery/ Design

When your audience evokes an emotion it leaves a lasting mark on their heart. Shock and abrupt imagery does get your attention and discomfort comes up.

When imagery stands out and colors are bold, that’s a great ingredient to a memorable campaign.

  • The plastic straws (single-use plastic) campaign
  • Quit cigarette smoking
  • Gun reform in America
“Plastic Straw Problem” – Green Peace
“Every cigarette rots you from the inside out.” – Search ‘ Smokefree’ for free quitting support

3. Consistency

Consistent is key. When you see and hear this message consistently it stays with you. You can even recall the slogan years later – that’s good and effective marketing tactic.

“This is your brain. (egg)

This is drugs. (frying pan)

This is your brain on drugs.” (fried egg in the pan)

“This is your brain on drugs” – Partnership for a Drug-Free America

4. Educate & Inform

When you offer up education to the public you are empowering them with information so they can discover what they need to do or not to do based on this new information. When a campaign lays out the desired behavior and the reason why it’s important to change it – that’s an effect campaign.

  • PlayCleanGo – Clean off your gear, clothes, dog to help the spread of invasive species
  • No Poop Fairy – Clean up after your dog and directly impact our waterways
PlayCleanGo – What are invasive species?

5. Influencers

The very definition of “influencers” are those that influence others. Many public figures (singers, actors, television personalities) know their influence on others and want to use their persuasion to promote campaigns they care about.

This is no difference today with influencers you see promoting products on social media. You may also see them share their opinion on social issues like reproductive rights, the climate crisis, etc. Building awareness with marketing is what they think about full-time in how they present themselves, how they talk, and the products they promote.

“Don’t listen to rumors about AIDS. Get the facts!” – American Red Cross
Logic’s song “1-800-273-8255” the Suicide Prevention hotline with a story about suicide ideation and asking for the help they need

6. Normalize Issues

Over the years there are many issues that are being normalized to lift stigma. When discussions are brought to the surface that many face in our society they begin to breakdown and remove the shame and stigma surrounding them. More than ever before examples of this happening now more than ever before;

  • Mental health
  • Pronouns (she/her | him/his | they/them)
  • Gender Identity – education of what it is and is not
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Body positivity
  • Race
  • Abortion
  • Sexual assault

Womxn Life Freedom campaign

This was a privilege to work on this campaign. The women in Iran are rising up and protesting all the country and the world. This campaign is meant to build awareness of the fight for freedom of women, including those that identify as women.

Ask yourself “What would I like to evoke in my next campaign?” Consider pulling in inspiration from past campaigns that have been effective, perhaps you have a personal experience with them yourself, look into campaigns that align with your brand or have some similar audiences. I personally like working with Pinterest to pull in inspiration.

Do you need help building awareness with marketing? Contact Transcend Ideas to learn how we can help you build awareness around your messaging!

Canva AI Apps: Canva Bulk Create

Our team is blown away at all the new apps that have come available in the past year on their site. Canva has unleashed the potential of artificial intelligence with content creation and it is a blast to work with! Enjoy this simple tutorial we’ve put together to show how you can increase your efficiency as a marketer and create content at a rapid pace by mass-creating bulk posts with the Canva AI Tool “Bulk Create” + ChatGPT.

Bulk Create Tutorial

1. Make your request to ChatGPT for how many posts / tips you’re needing.

I requested a list of 25 Nordic ski tips to enhance performance on the snow.

2. Ask ChatGPT to please arrange tips in a table.

Organize the table where [SAMPLE] as column 1, [SAMPLE 2] as column 2 as instructions for ChatGPT, etc. Copy and download the content as CSV or Copy/Paste it directly into Canva. (I used this query to return table for Nordic tips – Can you arrange the tips in a table where [TIP] is the tip number and first column, [Description] is the tip and second column, and [SUMMARY] is the longer description of the tip from above?)

3. Open Canva, navigate to Apps, Search “Bulk Create.”

It asks to upload a CSV or manual upload. I just copy and paste the columns I’m using right into the wizard. Scroll to bottom of table and hit OKAY. Hit Purple ‘Continue’ button on Bulk Create pane of Canva. (Bottom left screen once you’ve added your excel columns).

4. Now we are going to connect each of your columns to a different area of your Canva template/design.

The columns Canva recognized from my excel columns were “Tips” (Tip #), “Description”, and “Summary”. Now, right click on the element on your canva design you want a certain column to show up in. I wanted the tip number to be at the top – so I clicked/created the text box at the top, right click, and hit “Connect to Data”. This will show one of your recognized columns. Once you select your preferred column, it will show the textbox as a variable. Connect the other two columns to your data by right clicking on each of those text box elements.

5. Generate tips within the template.

Hit continue. You can choose which of the tips to create now from your excel or to create all pages. Once you click generate, all pages will generate in a different window. You can adjust sizing of text/other small adjustments for each before or after you generate the bulk pages.

6. You can schedule posts to connected apps

Schedule posts for FB or Instagram directly from Canva. Since we (Transcend Ideas) manages multiple client accounts we export the files either on our desktop or phone and schedule within our scheduling platform.

Bonus: An extra interesting use of Bulk Create is that can run this AI tool with multiple pages within one design file. That allows you to choose from your favorite formats. I recommend using different variations so your feed isn’t so redundant.

Bulk Create is made for everyone and any small business! Are you a fan of the new Bulk Create capability on Canva? Let us know! Contact Transcend Ideas today if you’d like to learn about Canva doing some heavy lifting for your business!