What stands out to you in your inbox?
Email marketing with subject lines that work will help draw in readers to increase open rate and click rate. The first things the recipients see is the Subject Line and the Preview Text, it’s true.
You’ve probably hear it a million times when you run a business, the most valuable lead you have for your business is through email addresses. If you can get into their inbox you are in the door, so to speak. When you are in the inbox, you are occupying their mind. They may not even open up the email but that first impression of your brand is in the Subject Line and in the Preview text of the e-mail. Those impression mean so much and can potentially motivate an open. Once you have them open your e-mail that’s the next step into peaking their interest. What is it that you want to share?
- Could you be promoting a sale you are running?
- Hoping to inspire them?
- Share an event coming up?
- Maybe you are asking them questions (like I am right now) to evoke thought.
- Perhaps you are giving them some tips or tricks they can use themselves.
Emojis draw eyes to the text 👀
It’s true, emojis help bring up the inbox feed. Use emojis that draw attention and stay relatable to what you are writing about. I use getemoji.com if I’m formulating my emails via desktop so it’s easier to access the library.
E-mail Marketing Formula that works 🧪
Use a template that matches your brand. Don’t obsess over the fonts here (trust me, I will in another blog) but for emails, it’s not necessary. Fonts vary based on email client by the way. What you don’t want to do is use images only. Images only means you message is not coming through at all for all audiences. If you strive to be accessible to all users, keep your text dynamic and utilize alternative tags for all images. You want your text to be dynamic and clickable. Your header font and button font should be a color that stands out and matches your brand colors.
The most helpful emails have a summary of what they are about to read. Then following that, topics with photos/graphics, a brief summary of that particular topic and a CTA (call-to-action) bringing them to a landing page to read more/sign-up/buy now, etc. Simple formula for success we think.
The best way to tell if your emails are truly effective is reviewing the metrics like: open rate (the average industry open rate is 37.72% in April 2024) and click rate (the average industry click rate is 2%).*
Utilize the A/B Testing setting to check out the click map to see what performs the best.
Mailchimp shares some common ways to use A/B tests to improve your marketing:**
- What day of the week gets better open rates?
- Does a subject line with an incentive or a teaser work best?
- Does including your company name in your subject line increase engagement?
- Is it better to use your name as the From name, or your company’s name?
- Does the time of day an email is sent affect the click rate?
- Are subscribed contacts more likely to click a linked image or linked text?
- Do subscribed contacts prefer an email that contains a GIF or one with static images?
Don’t take unsubscribes personally. Watching unsubscriber activity might seem like a bad thing but it’s actually doing you the favor of narrowing down your audience. You want your audience to stick around to learn more about you and your offerings. If they aren’t engaging with your content they may not have the time or desire to read what you put so much time into. Focus on the audience who engages with you and experiment on what works.
Email marketing with subject lines that work:
Try different phrasing, or sales offers, or emoji to see what gets the most attention. A/B Testing is the best way to measure success here. Try different days of the week and times to increase open rates.
See samples of the subject lines that draw attention to your readers:
🍕Eat Pizza, Support the ARTS 🎨
Preview text: Join us tonight at Hand Fire Pizza 5-8 pm
👀READ 📧Email Marketing with Subject Lines that work
Preview text: Increase your open and click rate with a formula that works
🌿Grow your Garden ⚠️ without Invasive Plants
Preview text: Learn what native plants you can grow in your garden
💎Handcrafted GIFT Ideas: 💖Valentines Day
Preview text: Use Coupon code: VDAY24 for a 10% off discount
*Constant Contact: Average Open Rate – April 2024
**Mailchimp: A/B Testing
Was this helpful? Read another blog post we wrote about “Leverage the Power of Email Marketing”
Transcend Ideas Emails
😉A little plug of our own here: I like to provide our readers, clients and public information they can take and run with. Me and my team are collectors of information and if we think it’s helpful we will share it.