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The Advantages of Shopping Local

It’s Halloween now, how did that happen? You probably already notice Christmas ads sneaking in. The capital frenzy of holiday shopping is an all too familiar behavior in American culture. You have probably noticed that camp stove you bought online was backed up for months and just came in. That is 100% because of the chain supply shortage. So many of us consumers have leaned on these online sales especially during the pandemic for things that have provided comfort and convenience during the most inconvenient time. Local shops do rely on the chain supply for material and inventory, too however those handmade items they are less dependent. Especially those local artisans. Convenience stores can’t replace the advantages of shopping local. The experience, personality, value, and soul of local shops are unmatched.

Here are the Advantages of Shopping Local:

1. Talk to a human being, not a hotline number speaking to an automation. Have a problem? Take it back to your local store.

2. Quality over quantity. More is not necessarily better here.

3. Word-of-mouth is golden, your friends and family are your most influential voices in your purchase choice.

4. Align with your values with where you shop. Spending your money locally helps funnel that money to charities that are doing good locally in your community. You have seen campaigns that kick 5-10% of sales to a local cause. Keep your eye out to those opportunities to give back when you purchase items this season.

5. You are supporting local people in your community.

We hope you have the chance to get out there for Small Business Saturday and enjoy the advantages of shopping local! Fill out our client questionnaire at this link if you’re interested in working with Transcend Ideas as a small business this year!