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Discovery – Brand Identity

Discovery is simply that, discovering what your brand could become.

A vital component of this exercise is to uncover the personality of the brand. Would you like their personality if the brand were a person? Could you be friends? Does your first impression make you want to do business with them? Why?

Starting with a list of traits and action words helps narrow the scope to make you think a bit before diving into the name and the logo mark. Use this opportunity to brain dump all of what you hope for your brand, including: phrasing associated with niche populations you’d like to reach, values, long-term goals, and aspirations for your business as you are starting to identify words and phrases you’d like to align with.

Transcend Ideas Discovery graphic

Building Identity for Transcend Ideas

For Transcend Ideas we went through a discovery as well and we certainly did not take it lightly. We brainstormed on words that conveyed growth and progression. We thought of words that went beyond ascension. 

Our words:

  • trustworthy
  • curiosity
  • nature
  • friendly, approachable
  • compassionate
  • inclusive
  • playful
  • simple, yet interesting
  • thoughtful
  • inspiring

Contact us for Business Discovery

Hopefully this approach will give you some ideas on how you’d like to approach your brand identity journey. Read more about what your discovery entails and email for any questions on how we can help. Want to get started on your business discovery? Fill out our client questionnaire at this link to get started!