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Happy Every Day!

It’s 2023 – better later than never!

Every time a new year begins I feel optimistic for a better year ahead. I’m so humbled by ringing in our 2nd year as a small business. Every single year there are new things to learn, boundaries to set, and new positive habit forming. Because of this positive progress, I’m looking forward to happy every day! I’ve already attended two workshops having to do with goal setting and efficiency that have really brought forward a lot of great things to the surface.

This year I envision a year with more rest, more boundaries, more time outdoors, play more, efficient working hours, more love, more taking care of myself, date night with my husband, more travel especially in our RV, steady workflow but not necessarily more work. (Digital vision board made with Canva)

Here’s to a new year as I enjoy my 39th year on the planet, going on 40!

Great resources to use to work more efficiently and to be happy every day:

  • Tomato Timer – Pomodoro
  • Asana
  • Time blocking
  • Passion Planner – this planner I used for the first time and it’s extensive but a great way to stay on track with your passions (your work and personal goals)
  • Playlist with “Focus” music/tunes – no lyrics, instrumental helps focus the mind on the task
  • Good old fashion lists – generate your lists per week, this helps put these to-do’s out in the open

Would you add anything to our list? What tools do you use to find happy every day? Schedule a time to get coffee with us and discuss, we can’t wait to hear from you!


What does community mean to you?

What does community mean to you? That’s an excellent question to consider at any stage of our lives. The word has a different meaning based on our priorities and when the question is asked. You would have received two different answers if you asked the 28-year-old me versus the 38-year-old me.

What does community mean to you? Toys of all nationalities by a globe.

Community can be explored in different lenses, here are a few to observe:

  • Geography (city, state, region)
  • Identity (how you identify yourself)
    • Gender
    • Race
    • Sexuality
    • Marital status
    • Parents/caregiver
    • Age/time in life
    • Health
    • Ability
    • Culture
    • Occupation
    • Business owner
    • Religion/spirituality
    • Politics
  • Affinity (shared interest)
    • Support groups
    • Sports/Recreation
    • Hobbies
    • Animal lover

My definition of a community is just that, ALL of them. Wherever I find that human connection, I feel like THAT is community. If you look at the word community, the latin root is the word “common” and then “unity.” So community is people coming together because they have something in common.

What makes me curious about the term community is the power of that unity. There was a video the other day of a group of strangers coming together to help flip a car that was upside down after a car accident. Fifteen people cooperated to flip the car and get the person out of the vehicle. That’s just one example of when there is a shared intent and action taken together.

The community can bring many unexpected people together for something like a movement or a belief. When we deeply identify and root ourselves in a society, we can make beautiful things happen that bring people together in a real positive way.

What does community mean to you? Come as you are Transcend ideas inclusive image.

How can business/nonprofits stand by community?

Businesses are uniquely positioned to lean into the community. Money is an excellent way for a company to say, “hey, I care about this thing” however businesses can also:

  • Host a fundraiser event to house a cause they care about.
  • A special campaign with a certain percentage of their earnings go towards an organization.
  • Sponsor an events, causes, and/or organizations to show their support.
  • Sell swag and/or share info to build awareness of a shared interest or cause.

Nonprofit organizations already serve community and many of them team together with others to further deepen their work and their reach. It’s a natural thing to want nonprofits to link arms and make an impact together.

What does community mean to you? Old Bill's Fun Run philanthropic event.

Old Bill’s Fun Run – 25th Year of this Philanthropic Event

This rather anticipated event every September in Jackson Hole, Wyoming has now raised $208 million philanthropic dollars for nonprofit organizations. Each donation is then matched, deepening the impact of those serving the Jackson Hole community. This right here is a philanthropic event I care about with 200+ participating nonprofits that are all well deserving of gifts of support for the work they provide the community.

Figgie's deli + market logo with dog
Figgie’s Deli & Market

When community is top of mind..

One client, Figgie’s named their Deli & Market after their beloved dog. The main logo is not the dog however. They decided to use it as their secondary logo, a portrait of Figgie (the dog) has been logged away to be used when they decide to show their outward support of animal adoption and rescue efforts. They are already looking ahead into how they want to show their support for community even prior to officially opening their doors.

However you decide to define community in your own life as a business owner or nonprofit, keep an open-mind to possibilities of that community expanding and changing as your priorities and likes change.

Focus to Truly Connect

Do you have more than 10 tabs open on your browser right now?

Try this, close them and JUST focus on this blog post. Go ahead, I know you can do it. Our minds can not be completely quieted. It feels virtually impossible but we can help focus our minds on one thing at a time. We are meant to have thoughts pop-up constantly throughout our day. In fact, there are thousands of thoughts a day. The truth is that we can begin new routines in the noticing. Maybe you are reading this right now and have looked at your phone a few times. Have you put your ear buds in listening to a podcast?

I just listened to a podcast myself which allowed me to get curious on why I make the decisions I do. I decided to sit down and focus my attention on writing this out. The wonderful Brené Brown seems to always capture my attention and focus with her captivating guests she has on her Dare to Lead podcast. This topic became even more attention grabbing because, well the text states Focus and Attention.

Dr. Amishi Jha explores how the brain works around focus and attention. Her pivotal moment hit while raising her 2 year old and realized she couldn’t possibly give attention to her work, her child and her husband without really working on focusing her attention. Rather than this myth of multi-tasking. I too grew upset that that’s not really a thing. Dr. Jha uses the analogy of a flashlight to indicate attention on a specific person, place or thing. When we shine our light we can take in that information and connect.

Bold Takeaways to Focus to Truly Connect:

  1. Close tabs on your browser.
  2. Notice when you pick up your phone – Ask yourself: “why did I did I pick up the phone in the first place?” If you have already picked the phone up, now put the phone back down.
  3. Meditate – I know a daunting practice but with enough dedication, refocusing can become achievable.
  4. Acknowledge when you are task switching – Instead of the multi-tasking (formally called) which turns into fact task-switching, where we perform one task then switch and do another task then another and so on. That’s exhausting! Phew.
  5. Attention and focus means you can have true connection.

Focus to Truly Connect

Do you have advice to a business that wants to connect with their community and customers these days? "It's simple, ask the people what they want." - Meredith Runkle Olson, copywriter

Why I find this fascinating in this world of people and why I am writing this on our branding and marketing business blog? Well, I am floored by human beings and how with research we can unearth truths we haven’t thought much about but perhaps have struggled through quite a bit. As a marketing and branding company I strive to better understand the people I want to reach. We are all bombarded by the intake of news, social media feeds, and advertisements. Although much of what I just listed on getting your attention helps amplify my client’s messages I also know that we all don’t need the added noise and overload but we need to truly connect.

Focus to truly connect transcends mere mindfulness. When we connect and align with one another we can better build lasting relationships. That’s the best way to stick in our consumers’ minds, connecting often couples with being seen and heard. Our content writer, Meredith made an excellent point in her answer to a question: “Do you have advice to a business that wants to connect with their community and customers these days?”

Her excellent answer: “It’s simple, ask the people what they want.”

Focus. Notice. Ask. Connect.

Women’s Equality Day

Today we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, this day is to commemorate the passing of the 19th Amendment in the United States that promised women the right to vote in 1920. This is a day to celebrate however not all women were free to vote nor were men. Millions of women and men were steered away from the polling places for decades. The fight over the amendment was not just about sex; it was also deeply entwined with race.

Women's Equality Day Image of National Baptist Convention banner being held up by 9 African-American women
Nine African-American women posed, standing, full length, with Nannie Burroughs holding banner reading, “Banner State Woman’s National Baptist Convention” Photo cred. Library of Congress

NPR: “Yes, Women Could Vote After The 19th Amendment — But Not All Women. Or Men” – Listen to Story (5 mins)

Even in 2021, voting rights are in jeopardy with new voting laws put in place in the more recent months. The fight for the right to vote is never over until ALL citizen’s voices are heard at the ballot box.

Transcend Ideas quote graphic "A Victory for some was not a victory for all, and fights continue today." - Marcia Chatelain, Professor of History and African-American Studies at Georgetown University.

Today is a day to celebrate but also an opportunity to look to the horizon at what true equality really looks like. There is so much work to do to create a more balanced and represented nation. Encouraging every society to celebrate Women’s Equality Day will form a more just and fair society.

Enneagram in Business

The Enneagram helps provide a framework for personalities that are quite useful in business. Small businesses and nonprofits around the world use the Enneagram as a breakthrough approach to leadership, team building, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. What’s your Enneagram?

Utilizing the Enneagram model in business trainings, onboarding, and seminars can help us quickly bridge the disconnect and misunderstandings when different personalities are working at the same table. Shining a light on the qualities that make each personality unique and how they thrive is a key tool to help unlock productivity and efficiency in workplaces. Communication barriers can shut down effective work. In contrast, finding ways to gently put barriers down help us appreciate what every worker has to offer. A win in our book!

Enneagram in Business graphic
Two The Helper: Protector, Generous, Empathic, Encouraging, Driven to Connect the World Transcend Ideas

My (Heather’s) Enneagram is a TWO.

Accessing your own personality type is helpful to understanding yourself. Being familiar with: how you work, what motivates you, and what setbacks you may challenge you is self-awareness. Self-awareness is an excellent place to begin in any avenue in life. “Making meaningful human connection” is our mantra and if we can move through the world with more self-awareness we can show up more authentically and have more profound, and productive relationships. What are your thoughts on the Enneagram model? Let’s get coffee to discuss!

Know Your WHY

Transcend Ideas graphic image and quote. "If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without." Know Your Why.

Eckhart Tolle packs so much wisdom into his spiritual teachings. Whether it is in the spiritual realm or the entrepreneurial, his words resonate. When you know your WHY the rest falls into place. We help with the secondary reality of your business through branding and marketing. Transcend Ideas wants your business to catch attention with its identity. When you know your WHY, it makes it easy for us to do the creative work that makes your goals apparent through thoughtful placement of icons, text, and imagery.

Ask yourself: “What is my WHY?”

Would you say your business pursuits are for family? For the passion of teaching or serving others? We can’t wait to learn more about your why and what items in your creative pursuits resonate with you the most.

See #4 on this recent post: “Top 5 Things to Think About Before Hiring A Creative Agency or Freelancer”

The WHY of your endeavors will help grant you direction and stability in the product or services you plan to provide your audience. The WHY brings about in many cases the reason you are doing what you are doing

Are you ready to elevate your business life to the next level? Do you know WHY you want to make that leap? If so, we can’t wait to work with you and make your business dreams become a reality on the marketing and branding front. If you’d like to work with us, tell us more about yourself and your business at this questionnaire link.

Change your Perspective

Transcend Ideas graphic image and quote. "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer is a favorite American author and philosopher of mine. This infamous quote transcends many boxed-in ways of thinking and allows us to change our perspective!

His look at the world within us makes one think non-linearly. As humans we are creators in all its interpretations. We are capable of more than we can ever imagine because we are infinite beings with extraordinary possibilities. If you knew you could not fail, what endeavors would you take on? What business would you start? What would you do for yourself? If you change the thoughts of failure being final – does that mean that any step toward a goal is all part of the package to success? Transcend Ideas wants to flip your concept of marketing, SEO, and social media on its head. We don’t do drab content, we align with your values, flip the perspective about what people understand about your business and grab attention of your golden customers in every way possible.

Do you have a dream? Are you in the middle of creating it but your business function and direction feels chaotic? Contact our team to learn how we can streamline your marketing and communications process to change your perspective and find a lane your business can thrive in.

No Greater Agony, Indeed.

Transcend Ideas graphic image with quote. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

Don’t let another day go by without sharing your story. Within all of us we have a unique story to tell. There is no greater agony than to hide it. With any endeavor we take on in our lives we tell our story through our intentionality. Transcend the ordinary and be just as you are.

No Greater Agony or No Greater Triumph?

How does one do that? How do people just go out and share their stories and not be rejected? There will be rejection, but without that, you can’t rise above to success. Bringing vulnerability and authenticity to the table in business, in relationships, and in your personal goals are all keys to success.

Work with Transcend Ideas

Let us help adjust the trajectory of your business success – by sharing your story. We want to help you and your business shine the light on your business values, principles, and product. Sharing a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the products or services you provide humanizes your business in a way that not much else can. Transcend Ideas wants your business to create hope and relief for those that are needing your services. Let’s get coffee and discuss the story you’re hoping to tell. We would love to work with you!

Staying on Task – Top 5 Tools to Adopt

Transcend ideas graphic on Top 5 Tools to Stay on Task and quote "Enrich your palette. Expand the canvas. There's always so much more to learn" - Martin Scorsese, a Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese through american movies

We all know that adopting new behaviors is so difficult. When it comes to keeping on the task it does help to look to new tools to see if they resonate with you. Listed below are the tools I use that you might be interested in using that’ll keep you on task. If it doesn’t resonate with you leave it behind and only take up what will serve you.

5. Notebook

A basic notebook that you can task out your goals for the day, week, month, and even year. The start of the week is the best way to begin here. How do you use a notebook? Personally, I like making checkboxes on the left margin with sub-tasks below. Start the week with a reflection on Monday, I make a list throughout the week. Using different colored pens helps me to keep my notebook looking more motivational and even entry items bolder.

4. Calendar

I personally use both Google Calendar and a physical Moleskine calendar. The reminder on my phone to “chime” into my day so I don’t forget meetings or tasks is crucial for me. I also love to utilize my colored pen in my physical calendar to keep it lively and give it that extra “pop” in my calendar.

3. Asana

I am very adamant with all my clients on how Asana can help task out work both internally to your team members and for external projects. You have the ability to assign and mention members and communicate directly task-by-task basis. Setting due dates and syncing dates on your Google Calendar can keep priorities in line. You can attach designs, photos, and files to tasks so it’s easy to review on the go or on your desktop for download. This App can be utilized for both your smartphone and your desktop. The App is free to use but also has a Premium package if you’d like more expansive features.

2. WIN Journal

Yes, another notebook or section of your notebook. Jot down your “wins” no matter the size. When we celebrate our wins we acknowledge achievements and that’s a healthy habit to get into. All too often we look at the big picture and spend less time recognizing the smaller yet important victories. Sketching alongside my wins and having general use of bullet points or writing a short description like a normal journal with the date.

1. Someone to keep you Accountable

Who’s your accountability person? Like Meredith and Christina in Grey’s Anatomy, you need “your person.” This person will check in with you to see how far you’ve come with reaching your desired goals. Depending on the goal at hand a weekly or monthly meeting might be enough to keep the ball rolling.

That’s my list of Top 5 Tools to Adopt to Stay on Task and I hope you took away something useful. If it doesn’t serve you, leave it behind.