As the seasonality around us changes, we also change! Humans are not separate from what you see happening in nature, in fact, we are in sync. It’s important to acknowledge change and work with it both for your personal growth and your business growth.

Change is inevitable
The seasons change and so do our businesses and the services and products we offer our audience. There is a shift in preparation as we polish off Q3 and enter Q4.
Whether your business is based on the seasons or you offer services all year round we want to get you thinking about your messaging to your audience.
Here are some seasonal topics to consider when you enter into Q4 and items to consider for seasonality:
- Autumn/Fall – the parallels of the shift outside and inside ourselves, preparation for the winter months
- Winter – hunkering down in those cold temperatures, what do you need to do that and live comfortably?
- Black Friday – What kind of offerings can you provide for your followers considering doing business with you.
- Holidays – Celebration of family, friends and community, unifying messages
- Thankfulness – Reflecting on what you are thankful for in your life
- Gift Giving – Gift ideas and pairing/bundling products to make a “spa gift bundle” for example and price accordingly
- Giving Tuesdays – Tuesday, November 29 and give to a non-profit organization that you vibe with
- New Year 2023 – Newness and renewal to look forward for your personal growth and goals
- New Year Resolutions
- New Business Ventures
- Turning a New Leaf

seasonal topics

Shifting in priority and life-changes reflected in how we behave
Your customers shift and change naturally as their priorities and lives change, similar to seasonality changes. Here are some other topics to consider addressing in your messaging to reflect back to them based on some 2022 projected trends.
- Healthy relationships
- Time management
- Managing money
- Home improvement projects
- Start your own business/side hustle
- Travel Wishlist
- Life balance
- Body positivity
- Celebrate differently
- Bucket list
- Self-love/self-care
Consider using Pinterest.
It’s a search engine and NOT a social media platform. When the platform began, I used to collect ideas for planning my wedding, finding new recipes, scoping mom hacks, things for the baby, decorating my house, etc. It’s STILL that, but it’s also a place for folks to discover new products and services and find ways to show up better in their lives. See what Pinterest image/video sizes to use when you share your pins so they stand out among the other pins. Certainly the pins that standout the most are the animated/video ones. Follow our Pinterest, you’ll see more from us soon!
Check out Jana O. Media; she is a Pinterest pro, and I greatly respect her hard work and know-how! I have learned a lot from her expertise in her Masterclass and her Clubhouse rooms she moderates.

consider using pinterest
In conclusion, embrace the change and get started on that content marketing. Your audience wants to follow along with you on what your season looks like and how they can engage with you.
- Featured image/ Autumn in the Tetons – Photo by Bryn Gibson on Unsplash
- Autumn leaves – Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash
- Autumn leaves on a string – Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash
- Anish Kapoor quote – Photo by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash
- Floating Pinterest icon – Photo by Dima Solomin on Unsplash