Meet Meredith Runkle Olson, who has joined the Transcend Ideas team offering her copywriting skills. Meredith helps amplify our client’s messaging through thorough research and thoughtful and relatable writing. She shared a bit about herself in this Q and A so you may get to know Meredith in her own words.
Meet Meredith Runkle Olson, Copywriter
1. Where do you hail from? Where do you live now? And how did you come to be there?
I was raised in Maryland but I moved out west for undergrad at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Mt. I absolutely love mountain sports and the pace of life here so I doubt that I’ll ever move away! I currently live in Jackson and have called it home for seven years.
2. What do you like to do for fun?
Hiking, trail running, biking, any type of water sport, volleyball and soccer.
3. What do you do in your role with Transcend Ideas? Do you like knowing your work helps others? And what areas are you most passionate about?
I am currently a copywriter. I’ll do anything from blogs to social media posts to editing. When I know that my work helps others it makes me want to work even harder. I’m passionate about conservation, the environment, social justice, finances, history, and public policy. I’m the nerd who goes to museums on vacation!

4. What are you grateful for? Big or small?
Jesus, my husband, our baby girl, Helen, the state of Wyoming, family, friends, and the amazing public lands here in the U.S. (There’s so much more but I’ll leave it at that)
5. Do you have any office mates? Animals? Partners?
My favorite office mate is my seven month old baby, Helen 😉 I’m currently a stay at home mom (the best job ever!) and I work part time as a copywriter. My husband works in town and tries to come home on lunch breaks so that all three of us get some quality time together. No doggos, although Helen LOVES animals.
“When I know that my work helps others it makes me want to work even harder.”
Meredith RUnkle Olson
6. What are you looking forward to this Summer?
I’m trying to train for a big trail run in the grand canyon so I’m looking forward to running in the Tetons or the National Forest this summer. Ooo, I can’t forget the people’s market, grass volleyball in May park, and outdoor concerts. There are just so many things in Jackson! No matter what I do, I love to show Helen my favorite spots and activities. My pace of life has dramatically changed since having a baby but I’m learning to love every day and be thankful for the little things.

7. Do you have advice to a business or organization that wants to connect with their community and customers these days?
It’s simple, ask the people what they want.
8. For whom do you feel responsible?
I feel the desire to raise Helen and other children we have, in a healthy way. I want them to love nature, eat healthy, stay active, love others, serve those in need, and learn how to be mentally tough. Plus, I definitely feel responsible for the environment. At the rate that the whole world is going, our future generations won’t experience what we do. I want to help our communities focus on sustainable practices in every realm of life. I also want my children to understand finances. Most people my age were never taught how to avoid debt, wisely invest, budget, live frugally, and think about life in the long term. I want to change that for my family. Most Americans have out of control spending habits and I refuse to be a part of that.
9. What are you hopeful for this year?
I want to fully embrace being a great mom! It’s such an important role. I can pursue other things later in life but I can never get back this precious time with my baby. That being said, I still want to be active and show Helen how my hobbies and passions are important to me.
10. What are you proud of right now? Could be a personal accomplishment, big or small.
My husband and I are debt-free (besides a mortgage), I did all 42 miles of the Teton Crest Trail in a single day, and even though I decided not to go this route, I studied hard and got into law school with a great scholarship, and I created life.